“It Only Matters How You See Yourself.”

Individuals and Couples

Anxiety, Depression, Communication Struggles, Intimacy Issues, Grief and Loss, Transitions in Life

Adults and Family of Origin

Explore family trauma and how to heal and end unhealthy family patterns.

Women’s Issues

Self-Esteem, ADHD, Parenting from Within, Menopause, Aging Gracefully and Finding your Inner Goddess

Men’s Issues

Emotional IQ, Authentic Living, Mid-Life Transitions and Clear Communication

Individuals and Couples

It takes a lot of courage and willingness to create lasting change and fulfillment in life. I have been on a healing journey my whole life. Every day presents a new opportunity to learn more about why I am here and how I can Be more present to life as it is. I find that suffering is akin to “should” or that “something needs to be different” in order for Life to work. Each person has their own unique story and parts that keep them from truly living from a place of wholeness. I love being part of a client’s journey to discover their Greatest Self - someone who can look in the mirror, smile, and truly like who they see looking back at them. 

I am passionate about learning, growing and being open to new ways of seeing the world. As a therapist, I see part of my role being a mirror for the client - to help you better see yourself and what gets in your way. Often we lose “perspective” when we are stuck in a belief or a behavior. Having a safe space to explore the darkest and scariest parts of yourself, while trusting that “all parts are welcome,” will ultimately be the goal to living Life as authentically as possible. 

Are you Ready?

Adults and Their Family of Origin

I am fascinated how families evolve and choose to grow through times of struggle, loss, and the ebbs and flows of life. And there are times when they choose Not to grow together. Are you struggling to feel understood within your family system? Are you ready to do repair work with members of your family? My siblings and I sometimes marvel at how we see our family system so differently, yet didn’t we grow up together? I have come to learn that birth order, gender and just personality play a role in How we see ourselves within the family. The memories we carry are unique to our way of experiencing events. How do we find common ground when it seems there is none? How can we create a “bridge” back to family members who have hurt or disappointed us?

For the past decade I have been working with families who struggle to find connections and learn new ways to communicate and be with each other. I love working with an entire family or even just dyads such as siblings or a parent/adult child who are ready to learn how to move through certain traumas or who want to feel more connected. Being married to a partner who was raised in a very traditional South Asian country that is literally on the opposite side of the world from where and how I was raised, we have worked for decades on understanding what “family” means and how we want to raise our own children in our new family. Over the decades, my “family tree” has become part of their “family forest.” 

Working with adult children and their families, we explore the unconscious patterns that have been passed down through generations that are in need of healing and change. We learn how to forgive and repair childhood and family wounds, while consciously choosing How we want to relate to family members. Families are often stuck in generational patterns that can leave members suffering or unseen. Learn how to create healthy communication and boundary styles with family members as you “bridge” the gaps that currently exist within your family system.

Are You Ready to understand who you are within your family?

Therapy with Women

Have you ever felt like you were “stuck” in the definition that your family, culture, or society declared? Are you yearning to discover your own “WHO”? Who am I? How do I want to live this one life I’ve been given? What is my definition of “being a woman”? Therapy offers a sacred and safe place to explore the parts of you that may have not yet been given a voice or who are grieving, traumatized or feel marginalized. Do you feel separate from family members who “don’t understand” or want you to conform to cultural, spiritual or societal norms? Therapy offers liberation within yourself to explore and identify How to navigate life and all its complexities. Take a Breath, truly appreciate how deeply complex and wonderful you are. Common issues we can address in therapy are anxiety, depression, ADHD (and how it is different for women than men), menopause, parenting, cultural confines, family communication, healthy boundaries,  life transitions and putting your own Self first, without being selfish.

Learn how to say Yes to yourSelf and No with confidence and courage. Be You, No Apologies. 

Are You Ready?

Therapy with Men

Have you ever been told to “be a man” or “boys don’t cry”? What were you taught about what it means to “Man-up”? In your origin story, how was masculinity modeled to you? Do you agree with your familial, cultural and social definitions of what it means to be a man? Do you find yourself struggling to express parts of yourself that may not be a part of your “Norm”? Having grown up with three older brothers, four boys on my block, and in a family that only valued the “male” construct, I learned much about positive and negative traits of being male. I love working with men who are ready to step out of a “construct” that keeps them feeling trapped, emotionally cut off and without a supportive system. Therapy can offer the safe space to explore HOW you want to express yourself and create lasting change in your relationships. 

Do you feel like you are having a Mid-Life Crisis? Re-Claim your Mid-Life, rather than have a crisis around it.  Learn tools to Thrive during this season in your life! In therapy you can Turn a Crisis into a Claim - Discover how you want to live this “second half” of life that matches your values and passion. How you choose to Claim your life is more important that What you are doing during this time. Create a path that allows you to define the “man” you have always wanted to be!

Are you Ready? 


50 minute session | $250/per

Accepted forms of payment include cash, check or online payments through Zelle or PayPal.

Couples 60 minute session | $300/per

Sessions longer than 50 or 60 minutes will be prorated from the original fee.

Any cancellation must be done 48 hours in advance.

Your Right to a Good Faith Estimate

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

  • You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

  • Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.

  • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.

  • Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

  • For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit